The CFMS wishes to remind you of tits upcoming departmental Lunchtime research seminar/Brown Bag by Professor Cahal McLaughlin, to which you are all invited. It is titled 'Participatory Filmmaking in Conflict Situations'. date- TUESDAY 07/May/Time: 12:30 for 13h:00, Venue: 4b AC Jordan.
Abstract: This illustrated presentation will reflect on how participatory practices in documentary filmmaking help address issues of authorship and retraumatisation by those who tell their stories of surviving political violence.
Bio: Cahal McLaughlin, Chair of Film Studies at Queen's University, Belfast, has directed documentary films on the representation of experiences during and after political violence, in Brazil, Haiti, Ireland, Peru South Africa and the UK. He has also published on his filmmaking processes. Examples of his film and written outputs can be found at
See attached poster for more information.