Call For Papers: IAMHIST, June/July 2025 | Decentering Film & Media Histories and Practices

The University of Cape Town Centre for Film and Media Studies, together with the International Association for Media & History (IAMHIST) invites proposals for participation in its next conference, “Decentering Media Histories and Practices”, to be held from 30 June-2 July 2025 at the University of Cape Town.
IAMHIST is an international organisation of scholars, filmmakers, broadcasters and archivists dedicated to historical inquiry into film, radio, TV and other media.
The study of film and media histories has long been dominated by western, often Eurocentric perspectives, in terms of content, theory and methodology. In previously colonised countries, colonial archiving projects have silenced historical accounts and profoundly altered postcolonial mediascapes. In some countries, cultures of censorship and neglect have resulted in lopsided, disintegrating or inaccessible public records. In recent years, there have been calls for an epistemological re-examination of sources, methods, and practices – to de-colonise and reimagine scholarship to include indigenous media histories as well as radical and reparative approaches to the past. In response, the 2025 IAMHIST conference seeks to shift, disrupt, and question existing scholarship by including previously excluded perspectives, histories, media, archives, practitioners and lenses.
We invite proposals for papers, artists’ presentations and panel discussions on any of the following topics:
Re-examining colonial film and media histories
(Decomposing) colonial media representations
Colonial archiving practices
Archival migration and repatriation in the colonies
Archival ownership, financing and access
Decolonial perspectives on film and media history
Indigenous media practices, past and present
The history of media cultures in the Global South
The communication practices of liberation movements
Reparative media/the media and reparations
Decolonising media archives
Post-colonial media and film
The restitution of audiovisual/immaterial archives and heritage media
The archiving of indigenous communities, liberation movements and post-colonial practices (as colonial archives often only represent the perspective of the coloniser it is important to build/value/find archives that represent indigenous perspectives)
The politics of archival financing
Diasporic communication histories
Digital engagements with archives (adaptation, manipulation, restoration)
Contemporary reuse of archives
Individual paper proposals should consist of a title, an abstract of 200–300 words and a short biography (100 words). We especially welcome proposals from early-career researchers, archivists and practitioners. Panel proposals (of 3–4 papers) are also welcome; they need to be submitted by one individual panellist, who must include the title of the panel and the abstracts and short bios of the other panellists. We also appreciate proposals for archival, artistic or multimedia/practice-based projects or workshops.
You are welcome to discuss their suitability with the conference organisers in advance of the deadline. You can send enquiries to
Conference attendees are expected to be members of IAMHIST. Information about IAMHIST membership can be found here: There will also be an opportunity to join at the time of registration.
The conference is co-organised by IAMHIST and the Centre for Film & Media Studies at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
The deadline for submissions is 20 December, 2024. Please submit your proposals here: