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Faculty of Humanities
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Jean’s Kitchen
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Archival Research Inquiries
Bibliography of South African Jewry
South African Jewish Museum Archive
SA Jewish Rootsbank
Poor Jews Temporary Shelter Database
District Six
Kaplan Centre Jewish Related Archival Collections
Oral History Collection
Research funding
Yiddish Dictionary
Guide to SAJBOD Archives in Johannesburg
Memoir by first Herzlia principal
Survey reports and data
Latest news
News archive
Web Exhibitions
Ethnic Radicals
Life and Art of Herman Wald
"To wash one's enemy's wounds"
Mavericks Inside the Tent
The letters of Tuvye Kretzmar
The Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation from its origins to 2010
Early days - 20th century
Eastern European Jews arrive
Jews in Sea Point, 1875 - 1920
South African war refugees arrival
First Sea Point service
1920s: A congregation is established
1930s: Part 1
1930s: Part 2
The war years
Talmud Torah troubles
News of Nazi atrocities emerge
The Choir – can women sing?
The synagogue secedes from the Jewish Board of Deputies
Ladies Guild founded
Palestine becomes Israel
National Party takes control
The Synagogue expands
Suez crisis
The Congo crisis - Sephardi congregation finds a home
Synagogue enlarged
The Shul and its rabbis during apartheid
Suez Crisis, Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War
Rabbi Newman and Christian National Education
Dress protocols challenged
Two rabbis and 2,800 worshippers
Soweto, instability, fear
Compulsory military conscription
Congregation outgrows the Shul but not on Tuesdays
Mayoral Sunday
Rabbis speak out
Religious tolerance challenged
States of emergency and security drills
Golden anniversary – visit by State President
1993 – A year of anniversaries
The year the world changed - 1989
First free elections – synagogue becomes polling booth
The TRC and the new South Africa
Living in an ethnic enclave
Caution averts calamity
Administration – those were the days
Modern orthodoxy
Religious practices become more rigid
Religious freedom under attack
Battle for the soul of the shul
Rolls Royce vs a Mini Minor
Battle continues – this time over conversion
Moving on for the good of the community
Something fishy
Has there been a difference?
Partners in Primary Care: Jewish Doctors and Pharmacists in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town, 1930-1980
Overview: Partners in Primary Care
Partners in Primary Care: Comments
Alma Joyce Freedberg (nee Green) (1917-1976)
Solly Freedberg (1915- 2012)
Leonard Mendelsohn (1918 – 2002)
Enid Daitsh (1921-2009; married name: Mendelsohn)
Myer Hoffman (1902-1959)
Jack Karpas (1908-1991)
Harry Anziska (1917-1987)
Maurice Reznek (1911-1989)
Bernie Wortreich (1918-1995)
Donny Loon (1924-2011)
Emanuel (Mendel) Sacks (1915-1999)
Reuben (Berry) Berelowitz (1925-1981)
Hymie (Hyman) Cotton (1924- 2012)
Nathan (Tollie) Lewis (1919-1997)
Leslie Levy (1922-1990)
Issy Anstey (1921-2012)
Reminiscences of Hymie Ehrlich
Isaac Angel Mallach (1918-2020)
Ralph Webner (1901-1977)
Gerald Jeremia Budow
Nathan Mallach
Aubrey Barron (1916 -1988)
Charles (Charlie) Jacobs
Hyman Harry Berkman (Hymie) 1919 - 1999
Israel (Issy) Julius Kadish
Reminiscences of Arnold Bloch
The South African Jewish Cookbook Project
Jewish Journeys