Jews in South Africa: New directions in research

UCL, Institute of Jewish Studies in partnership with the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Cape Town presents:
Jews in South Africa: New directions in research.
Where we are, future directions (Monday 12 October, 5-7pm UK time)
Gideon Shimoni (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Respondents: Shirli Gilbert (University College London), Antony Polonsky (Brandeis University), Eli Lederhendler (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Jews and Consumerism (Wednesday 14 October, 5-7pm UK time)
Deborah Posel (University of the Free State)
Respondents: Adam Mendelsohn (University of Cape Town), Hasia Diner (New York University), Tony Kushner (University of Southampton)
SA Jewish identity (Thursday 15 October, 10-11.45am UK time)
Roni Mikel-Arieli (Yad Vashem), Joshua Alston (University of Leeds), Rebecca Margolis (Monash University), Irwin Manoim (Independent scholar, Johannesburg), Kerri Serman (University of Cape Town)
Respondent: David Slucki (Monash University)
South African Jewish Orthodoxies (Monday 19 October, 4-5.45pm UK time)
David Fachler (University of Cape Town), Milton Shain (University of Cape Town), Sara Hirschhorn (Northwestern University), Asher Lubotzky (Indiana University Bloomington), Abby Gondek (FDR Library)
Respondent: Jonathan Judaken (Rhodes College)
Jewish history in SA public life (Wednesday 21 October, 6-8pm UK time)
Mitchel Hunter (University of the Western Cape), Karen Milner (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), Gavin Morris (South African Jewish Museum), Tali Nates (Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre)
Chair: Shirli Gilbert (University College London)
Jews and Others (Thursday 22 October, 2-3.45pm UK time)
Gavin Beinart-Smollan (New York University), David Gross (University of Stellenbosch), Roni Mazal (University of Michigan), Shimon Lev (Independent scholar, Jerusalem), Veronica Belling (University of Cape Town), Respondent: Eric Goldstein (Emory University)
Chair: Karina Simonson (Vilnius University)
The discussion sessions are based around pre-circulated academic papers. Anyone who wishes to attend sessions should contact Sara Ben-Isaac at and she will send a link to access the papers. Zoom links will be provided nearer the time.
Institute of Jewish Studies, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
e-mail: tel: 020 7679 3520