History will be made in the life of our congregation on Sunday 16th October 1977 when ‘mayoral Sunday’ will be held in our Synagogue. It will be a unique event not only because it is the first time such a ceremony will take place in our Shul but also because of the close personal association of the Mayor-elect and his family with our congregation, Alderman Teddy Mauerberger has been closely associated with its institutions since his early childhood. His late father Israel Mauerberger was one of the founders of this congregation, a Past President and a life Trustee. The first wedding to have been solemnised in our synagogue was that of Teddy Mauerberger and Levia Goodman. Both are regular worshippers in our Synagogue. Cantor Philip Badash, and Choir, Rabbi Joseph Fogel and Rabbi David Rosen who will be the Mayor’s Chaplain during his term of office will officiate. The service is a Corporation Ceremony and invitations and reservations of seats will be attended to by the office of the Mayor. The ceremony will however be open to the public for whom there will be a number of unreserved seats.
Max Adler was the organist at the shul at a cost of R25 including rehearsals. A Mayoral Ball was also held in the Weizmann Hall.