An afternoon programme with ICA fellows:
Sihle Hlophe, Genna Gardini, Thalia Laric, Nala Xaba & Alan Parker
ICA is pleased to announce 5 THOUGHTS, an afternoon programme of dynamic and interactive fellow presentations. Awarded to creative thinkers and doers in diverse disciplines, ICA fellowships encourage collaborative dialogue around issues of urbanism, community, historical legacy and the postcolonial imaginary. Fellows are encouraged to test boundaries, engage with new publics, and to explore the critical potentialities of live art.
5 THOUGHTS brings together five of the fourteen 2016 ICA fellows, who will present and invite discussion around their creative research projects. The fellows present research on performance, film, poetry, curation and dance. As a public programme all are welcome to attend and participate. Refreshments will be served.
H I D D I N G H H A L L : 1 6 : 0 0
/ SIHLE HLOPHE: Lobola, a bride’s true price – trailer screening and project discussion
In Lobola, a bride’s true price, feminist filmmaker Sihle Hlophe will be turning the camera on herself, and sharing her journey to becoming a married woman. Through her unique perspective as someone who is both ‘westernised’ yet deeply rooted in African identity, Hlophe unpacks the notion of bride price in a way that can only be done by someone with extremely close proximity to the subject matter. She writes, “Vacillating between the scientifically sound written history of the West and the oral history of my elders, the documentary will navigate numerous ethical and cultural landmines, challenging feminist beliefs about marriage as well as my identity as a South African woman of Bantu descent”.
/ GENNA GARDINI: MS Independent: Diagnosis
Poet and playwright Genna Gardini will present from a series of writing workshops she has been conducting in collaboration with ICA, which centre on experiences of diagnosis. This presentation occurs within the broader context of her current project, MS Independent: Diagnosis. In this, poetry and performance writing are used to explore experiences of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, as registered by a group of womxn and LGBTQIAP+ South Africans, including Gardini.
/ THALIA LARIC: Dance Improvisation demonstration
‘Open Score’ refers to the moment in an improvisation when the structure that guides the order of events softens to open up possibilities for the unknown. This is a concept familiar in both Contact Improvisation and Dance Improvisation Performance. Thalia Laric will briefly discuss these two practices and how they inform her performance research and teaching practice. This will be followed by a 10 minute Dance Improvisation Performance in which real-time compositional decisions are made by five dancers and one musician.
/ NALA XABA: Fugitive Publics: an Open Space
Curator Nala Xaba will be hosting an Open Space discussion during which art practitioners, will share of their experiences of creative production within (and places of refuge without) varied arts institutions, before turning to facilitate breakaway group discussions – around the oppression-politics of the art centre and collective imaginings of socially justified, anticolonial practice through it.
Open Space is centred on the principle of self-organisation. This system of group discussion/ common creation strives to reject any requirement of “normative productivity” in favour of questions for their own sake. The agenda is never preset but rather co-created by those gathered around a shared curiosity, a mutual agitation. Participants are free (read, encouraged) to move between the simultaneous conversations with questions and knowledge offerings.
T H E P L A Y R O O M : 1 7 : 4 5
/ ALAN PARKER: Detritus for one
Choreographed and performed by Alan Parker, design by Gavin Krastin.
This presentation and discussion forms the basis for Parker’s fellowship. Described as “evanescent” (Critter) and “one of the genre’s highlights” (Cape Times) at the 2015 National Arts Festival, Detritus for One is a Standard Bank Ovation Award winning production that playfully and poignantly explores the relationship between performance and the traces left in the memory once it has ended.
PROGRAMME STARTS AT 16:00 refreshments will be served
For seating and catering purposes, please RSVP ica@uct.ac.za
Start: 18 Sep ’16 4:00 pm
End: 18 Sep ’16 7:00 pm
Category: 5 Thoughts, Featured
Organizer: ICA
Phone: +27 21 650 7156
Email: sam.saevitzon@uct.ac.za
Venue: 2nd floor Hiddingh Hall
Phone: + 27 21 650 7156
Address: 31-37 Orange street, Gardens, Cape Town , Western Cape, 8001, South Africa