Curated by Dr Siona O’Connell, this exhibition asks us to consider bodies, places, systemic violence and injuries across the centuries, and compels us to think about the present and the future of this country. The images, many of them taken on the Cape Flats, show well-known activists and politicians, such as Tony Yengeni, Trevor Manuel and Tokyo Sexwale, alongside thousands of nameless activists whose names and faces appear to have disappeared into history.
The opening address will be given by Dr Mary Burton. Dr Burton was National President of the Black Sash from 1986 to 1990, and now serves on its Board of Trustees. From 1995 to 1998 she was a Commissioner on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

This event will take place on Friday 6 September at 18:30, and thereafter the exhibition will be open daily from 09:00-15:30 from 7 September to 11 October at the Good Hope Gallery. For more information please contact Dr Siona O’Connell at sionaoc@gmail.com, or call 021 4807153.
Partners: The Gordon Institute for Performing and Creative Arts (GIPCA), Oryx Multimedia, Solms Delta, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Michaelis School of Fine Art, Sekunjalo Consortium, University of Cape Town (UCT).
Photographs by Adil Bradlow, Zubeida Vallie, and Benny Gool (top to bottom)

Start: 6 Sep ’13 6:30 pm
End: 11 Oct ’13 3:30 pm
Cost: Free
Category: Exhibition
Organizer: Centre for Curating the Archive
Phone: 021 4807153
Email: sionaoc@gmail.com
Venue: Good Hope Gallery
Phone: 0214807153
Address: Google Map Castle of Good Hope, cnr Darling and Buitenkant St, South Africa