Ellyne has spent over two decades analysing African economies. His lecture will question why Sub-Saharan economies have not performed well, even with considerable IMF and World Bank support. “Some view the IMF as part of an international conspiracy to impose Western economic hegemony on the developing world. Others see it as responsible international cooperation supported by advanced industrial countries to avoid another great depression. Is something wrong with the IMF’s economic advice to Africa or is something wrong with Africa?” he asks.
Dr Ellyne joined the IMF in 1986 after completing his doctoral studies at Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies in the USA. He worked on the economies of 16 African countries during his 23 years of IMF service and lived in both Uganda and Zambia as IMF Resident Representative. He retired from the IMF in 2009 and is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Cape Town’s School of Economics.
UCT’s Gordon Institute for Performing and Creative Arts (GIPCA) was established to enhance the arts within the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the broader community, whilst facilitating a broad range of collaborative and interdisciplinary projects. The Great Texts / Big Questions lecture series aims to engender a culture of exchange of ideas, opinion and conjecture.
For more information, and up-to-date Great Texts / Big Questions dates and speakers visit www.gipca.uct.ac.za, call (021) 480 7156 or e-mail fin-gipca@uct.ac.za.
Mark Ellyne audio recording available for download.
Mark Ellyne video recording:
Start: 19 Aug ’10 5:30 pm
End: 19 Aug ’10 6:30 pm
Cost: Free
Category: Great Texts / Big Questions
Organizer: GIPCA
Email: fin-gipca@uct.ac.za
Venue: Hiddingh Campus
Phone: +27 21 480 7156
Address: Google Map 31-37 Orange Street, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa