This year, the Africa Centre, in collaboration with the Institute for Creative Arts (formerly GIPCA), launches the ITC Sessions. The ITC Sessions are a series of events in diverse spaces, keeping the unpredictable, inspiring spirit of Infecting The City alive. Each Session brings a dynamic programme of performance, dance, visual art and music out into the public, offering audiences a chance to stop, engage, be provoked and be moved. The artworks tackle current issues with humour and style; inject moments of quiet into busy urban streets; set muscles on fire and light up ideas and emotions. Private rituals are brought into the public sphere and personal encounters are playfully facilitated. The ITC Sessions open up public spaces as sites rich with questions, engaging the city and its people in creative conversation.

[Photo credits: Sibonelo Dance Project - Abangabonwa; John Nankin – Surfeit]
ITC Session 2 is curated by Leila Anderson. Curatorial advice is provided by Jay Pather. It takes place on 12 and 13 April 2016 – St Georges Mall, Cape Town. Route starting point: 11:00 Corner of St Georges Mall & Waterkant Street.
Session 2 schedule (programme repeats both days):
1. Sibonelo Dance Project – Abangabonwa | 30 min
2. Cristiano Mangovo – Air P: Protected Environment | ongoing during Session 2
3. Genna Gardini / CityVarsity Cape Town – Poetic License | 15 min (only on 13 April)
4. Asemahle Ntlonti – Ukuzila: ndiyakuthanda sis’Nosipho, ndiyakuthanda sis’wam | 20 min
5. Buhlebezwe Siwani & Chuma Sopotela – those ghels | 15 min
6. John Nankin – Surfeit | ongoing during Session 2
7. Tamryn Pelser / SOMA Movement – Sitting | 60 min
Infecting The City Sessions 2016 is made possible with support from the City of Cape Town, Africa Centre, Spier, the Institute for Creative Arts (ICA) and Pro-Helvetia.

Start: 12 Apr ’16 11:00 am
End: 13 Apr ’16 1:30 pm
Cost: Free
Category: Public Art
Organizer: Africa Centre
Phone: +27 21 418 3336
Venue: St Georges Mall
Address: Cape Town, 8001, South Africa