Internship Programme
Lara Hanger
“I am interested in the ICA and how blurs disciplinary boundaries and advances pioneering
research and artistic practices. I have been interested in the ICA’s innovative attempts to
understand the entanglements of ‘post’ apartheid South African contemporary society.
I am Interested particularly in the ICA’ s project Infecting The City. Most of my artistic practice and most definitely my curatorial practice is based in engaging with spatiality. Specifically that of the urban parameters that establish our experience of the city of Cape Town. This internship would benefit me greatly as I would like to lean how different sectors of creativity can meet the urban together to speak towards social justice and promote a sense of community and kinship in urban spaces.”
Ruby Wilson
“I’ve finished a four-year degree in fine arts and am currently doing my honours in Curatorship. Having attended the Live Art Network Africa festival at the beginning of the year, I became interested in the concept of collaboration and discussion in the form of assessing artistic practices can have a very deep impact on knowledge production and in my case how we relate to those in the same environment as us. I appreciate the sense of community that the ICA promotes in its attempt to grapple with larger South African and African contexts. The idea of a holistic and multifaceted approach through cross-disciplinary collaboration, which can be seen at the ICA, has always peeked my interest and I believe in engaging with the ICA I will be able to further my understanding of how collaborative efforts can be used as curatorial interventions within the museum space. I’ve been looking at public intervention and I believe that doing research in this sphere through the infecting the city project will not only inform my own practice further but also allow me to gain specific insights on public intervention as a way to build community and connection in spaces that discourage this kind of humanness.