The lecture will explore ways in which South Africans can engage in an ethically responsible manner with the many complex issues faced by the country without trying to erase the past and the effects of that past that lingers still. Vice’s approach of working on the self to become a better person that feels appropriate shame for being white and being part of a system that has benefitted one, and of turning away from an engagement with the political reality of South Africa, is both problematic and inadequate, argues De Vos. Relying on the concept of active citizenship, this public lecture will pose questions about the responsibility of white South Africans in particular to become ethically attuned citizens engaged in the difficult work of building a better society.
Pierre de Vos , a widely respected authority in his field, holds the Claude Leon Foundation Chair in Constitutional Governance in the Department of Public Law at the University of Cape Town, where he teaches Constitutional Law. He has published widely in academic journals on a wide range of topics including affirmative action and equality, sexual orientation discrimination and the enforcement of social and economic rights. He writes a regular and widely read Blog called Constitutionally Speaking and is the chairperson of the Board of the Aids Legal Network, an NGO promoting a human rights approach to dealing with HIV and Aids.
Refreshments served from 5pm, lecture commences at 5.30pm.
Pierre de Vos audio recording available for download.
Pierre de Vos recording:
Start: 19 Apr ’12 5:30 pm
End: 19 Apr ’12 7:00 pm
Cost: Free
Category: Discussion, Great Texts / Big Questions
Organizer: GIPCA
Venue: Hiddingh Hall
Phone: +27 21 480 7156
Address: Google Map UCT Hiddingh Campus, 31 Orange Street, Cape Town, 8001