Great Texts/Big Questions: Lwandile Fikeni
Fikeni will present Like a Pistol Shot in the Middle of the Concert.
This lecture will discuss the ways in which art and literature of the post-TRC era proffered a space for creative possibility for a new-ish nation coming into its own. It will also look at how these forms codified strategies for survival and resistance, especially for those on the margins on whom the total homogenising (read: subtracting) effect of the project of nation building would fall.
Lwandile Fikeni is an art critic and MA Creative Writing candidate at Wits University. He was the 2015 Arts Journalist of the Year Award-winner and the recipient of a 2016 Wits Ruth First Fellowship grant.
The lecture, followed by an open question and answer session, will take place from 6pm on Wednesday 29 March 2017 in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Building, UCT Hiddingh Campus, 31 – 37 Orange Street, Cape Town.
Refreshments will be served from 17:30. RSVP at
For more information, please contact Sascha Polkey | 021 300 0052.
Listen to the podcast here.